Stumbled across a children's barber - cheaper than Switzerland, even with the terrible exchange.

I went on the tour to the European Council, which is being edged out by Brussel's European Parliament - two bodies/one job - although Strasbourg retains considerable postwar symbolic value, given its overlapping French/German identity. I was impressed at how little used was the general meeting room - maybe 10 times a year? The place felt abandoned - just check out the '70s decor.

If the EP budget committee gets its way, this may turn into a vintage tribute to the European Union, but won't get the visitors of that other museum piece in town - the Cathedral. A foiled Al Qaida target and the highest building in Europe until 1880 or so, it was beautiful. The stained glass at the back of the church - facing the seats -was a gift of the EU and prominently featured the 12 star EU symbol above the altar. Particularly strange, considering the controversial omission of God or Christianity from the drafts of the failed constitution.

This shop was most impressive - little heaps of beautifully arranged cookies, chocolate, macaroons, nougat, etc everywhere.

We walked the old city and decided to return for the Christmas markets in December - the oldest in France.
On to Brussels.
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