Saturday, October 15, 2011


Knie is the unofficial Swiss national circus, running over a 200 year dynasty.
It's an intense, one ring spectacle, unlike anything you usually experience back in the States: intimate, live band - a classy affair entirely lacking in media gimmickry.

They run a fall circuit throughout CH, training the rest of the year, preparing next year's show. It was a high-octane series of acrobats, comedians, clowns, and impressive animals in a tight setting; this year featuring llamas, as well as the standard elephants and teams of horses.

The elephants bathe in Lake Geneva!

A deeply human performance, showcasing tremendous feats of physical training and timing, defying gravity, space. This year even featured Chinese acrobats echoing a Kung Fu Panda theme, picked up by KNIE - as well as VBS - curricula around the world.

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