Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tintin party

The timing couldn't have been better, as Michael's class party came on the heels of Spielberg's treatment of:

Carolyn hung Tintin banners and designs throughout,

placing "Milou (Snowy) has been kidnapped" signs in key spots:
The children came in costume - Capt Haddock a clear favorite

but the standouts were pirate ghost, Red Rackham,

and opera diva, Bianca Castafiore.
The Thompson twins

Carolyn made lanyards for each character, dividing the children into teams
for Tintin quiz competitions
Then on with the games!

What we learned: these kids are 5 years older than the last time we did this and much more rambunctious! We settled into brownies, newly popular here, but hard to find one that passes American muster (figurines from Happy Meals)
and tangerines (clementines from Spain and Israel are to die for).
Not sure what Pierre was
Present opening
followed by more outdoor play and the whirlwind ended

and Michael a neuf ans and Milou was found.


Kyra said...

Noelle and I loved the party!
We almost felt like we were there; thanks for all the great pictures.
The Thompson(Thomson)duo was so creative(loved the bowler hats).
Congratulations on a well done party Carolyn!!!
We will try to facetime tomorrow(Sunday evening in Lausanne)
the Chapmans

Erin Merritt said...

Any hints about games one could play. My soon-to-be-6yos just decided they wanted a Tintin party. I can probably come up with some sort of mystery scavenger hunt for them, but have no idea what else to play. Most of their friends probably will not know Tintin, so I can't even have them come in costume...

Emma said...

Fantastic party! Is Pierre not Abdul? Emma