Friday, December 27, 2013

Singing and The Tree

It was a nicely shaped noble from Underwood Farms - too big to haul ourselves...
like last year's, when the crew left their hammer - returned to its rightful owner.  This one has bigger lights which Michael strung all by himself, using the extra tall ladder. A small, but definite sense of a task passed on.
Jana and Carolyn are shaping a Christmas Program of sorts,
 while Beacon Hill celebrated easily over a hundred children now, causing a more streamlined set of selections compared with prior years.
Mrs. Loyd, the boys' piano teacher, has been teaching 4 part hymn singing during Sunday School for several months now, causing a noticeable change in at least Michael & Jack's willingness to sing out during church, owning the music in a new way.
 Finally decorated - the first tree big enough to handle ALL our ornaments, collected along the way...  Pastor Ben preached on the non-pagan origins of the Christmas tree, recalling Eden rather than the forests of Tannenbaum.  

Tentative conclusion: there may be more than one tree in our symbolic archive.

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