Thursday, September 30, 2010


In quotes because we've had record-breaking heat recently,
which I actually enjoyed, given our record-breaking cooler summer, and during which Carolyn and I went to a vineyard wedding in Temecula - about 2 hours towards San Diego - while Elle took the boys to their soccer games.
Jack's "game face." He loves kicking balls and expending physical energy in less choreographed ways than Michael, who is apt to start singing and dancing.
M's coach Chris, a Brit expat who goes absolutely ape on the field. We appreciate his sense of fun, however, while forbidding parents to cheer their sons individually - leave that to Chris.Jack found a little friend
Afterwards, Elle drove the boys to a beach just north of Zuma dotted with caves and crawling opportunities.
Stephanie drove,
taking everyone to Neptune's Net for dinner:
A biker joint which M & J thoroughly enjoyed.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Fall Semester

Beacon Hill Classical Academy survived and launched year two! K-5 in 3 classrooms (shared one of those accordion-divided rooms last year) and 44 students with a waitlist. Having Mrs Meza and Mrs Tucker - both seasoned teachers - teaching K-2 and Mr Smith handling the upper grades made everything feel, well, "legit."

Last year began with 15 kids and we were always struggling financially - those days aren't over by a long shot - but there is strength in numbers. Elle will be joining soon as a teacher's assistant, helping the 1st/2nd split class, especially.

Jack, a kindergartener, was very shy day one, but has come home recently talking a lot about a girl with red hair!Michael's class of 5 expanded to 15 with real school desks - a Craiglist buy:with placards and wall decor celebrating Roman history - this year's theme. We're donating the early Asterix books to the library, supporting the year's Roman theme:After a quick orientation, Mr Smith led the daily chapel devotional, framing BHCA's and the year's purpose in terms of praise and worship:
teaching the meaning of "hallelujah" (Hebrew imperative/command to praise God) with lifted hands pointing to heaven:
We're hoping this year's curriculum is more relaxed - Michael has a tough time convincing his soccer team he is in 3rd grade - but the boys love their school and the homeschooling part seems to be actually going better with two pupils. I think all the parents came away feeling very thankful for this place and for these dedicated people.

Speaking of dedicated individuals, here is a statue of a celebrated 3rd century Roman guard - Saint Maurice - stationed in Switzerland. Maurice was a genuine believer who refused to persecute fellow Christians, and, eventually, was martyred. He was, apparently, a black Egyptian and there is a town - the ski resort, St Moritz, also honors him - named after him at the site of his resistance to the emperor Maximilian, just east of Lake Geneva. This is the beautiful sandstone church and monastery, Romainmotier, in Switzerland, dating to the 5th century. It is amazing to consider that 1st century apostles were at the very spot. And it is great to think our boys will be learning this history - when Europe began shedding paganism - as well.