Monday, October 08, 2007

Swiss People's Party #2

This post is picture-less, sorry. Just reporting that the social and political scene here is a bit precarious at the moment, given the unrest before elections in two-weeks. Friends witnessed riots in Berne over the weekend by folks countering the racist campaigning of the popular Swiss People's Party, which has the most seats in parliament. Unfortunately, these kinds of riots tend to confirm people's fears about outsiders and fuel social fears. Neo-Nazis in Germany have approved of the controversial posters depicting 3 white sheep kicking out a black sheep (later pulled), as well as the proposed policy to deport all family members if one member is convicted of a crime. A trustworthy friend went to the Valais canton and said there are cartoon posters there of a Muslim man praying with his behind prominent in the air, with a caption reading, "Do they pray with their behinds?"

Odd, since few Swiss people pray anyway, kneeling or otherwise.


Patrick said...

Two pieces on Switzerland and the SVP today:
Washington Post
New York Times

Patrick said...

Oh, and I don't think the SVP has pulled that poster--it's prominently displayed on their website..