Saturday, December 15, 2007


Strasbourg has the oldest Christmas market in France, and because of its shared German identity/hostility over the years, the festivities had a German flavor.The markets were extremely packed and, I have to admit, we used Jack's stroller to plow through humanity, gawking at hundreds of vendors selling nativities, ornaments, candy, food - some junk, most not.It was also cold, so Vin Chaud became a staple. Gingerbread spices are sold in combined packets named "Epices," and are used for baking and mulling.
My favorite was this vintage toy stand. Incredible array of tin toys. I broke down and bought a Gigantor, a Japanese TV series robot I loved as a kid.
Gigantor is grey and pointy-nosed to the right.
There were streets with hung chandeliers.
This lady had this old-fashioned music stand.
Warmed up in a nice old restaurant with painted ceilings. The food was good.
I leave you with Michael and Jack's favorite: the amusement ride. Couldn't get over the level of detail on the cars. Enjoy. They did.

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