Friday, February 01, 2008

Renault Scenic

Traded in our green Peugeot 407 sedan for what I initially wanted - a Renault Scenic, black. It is more European in design, rather than the Camry-esque feel of the 407, so more fun to drive; should suit long trips better. Check out the fold-down trays!
These days, merchandise seems graded by environmental friendliness, ergonomics, and number of cupholders; the Scenic scores highly in the last two for sure. I liked the backseat airducts and big storage compartments. It's diesel, so mileage should improve, and the gas warning told me exactly how many kilometers I had left! Nice.
Has two additional seats in the back, so can hold 7 squished people.
Switzerland requires snowtires in winter, but since this is a French rental, it only has all-season. I have tirechain-phobia, too, so every drive is a calculated risk.

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