Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Jack's birthday was officially April 12, 2005. Sidelined by a busy schedule, we celebrated it in fits and spurts; blogging it only now.
Debby always remembers our children's birthdays and even gets her mother to follow suit. Here, Jack opens a book given by Edith Schaeffer on a Sunday afternoon after church.

Think of this poor excuse for a cake as a candle receptacle.
Auntie Ev brought Thomas trains. We lit the party "bomb" after the final banquet (must've been midnite!) - a Swiss firework that explodes streamers, small toys, and candy in the air that the kids scramble for.
Recently, Auntie Kathy and Uncle Lee sent over a rocket pump - huge hit. Highly recommend this toy.

I gave a vintage wind-up train that Jack could do all by himself.

On a somber note, the recent 7.9 Sichuan (Jack's province) earthquake has been devastating, but everyone in the Deyang City orphanage is safe and evacuated. The panda reserve we visited over 2 years ago was near the epicenter.

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