Sunday, June 01, 2008

Swiss Naturalization

Good news! Christian Blocher's (Swiss People's Party) referendum - to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling that made secret ballots and denial of appeals for foreigners illegal (in naturalization cases) - was soundly defeated by 64% vote over the weekend.

The SPP's poster to curb naturalization:

The Swiss Green Party's countered with a poster urging a "NON" vote, conjuring the infamous black sheep poster that, without subtlety, wanted to keep Switzerland as a "white sheep" nation.

1 comment:

Rayna said...

Hello! I was directed here from Camp Smum. Anyway, I just looked over your past few months of posting, and your blog is great!

Those Swiss referendum posters are so intriguing. In the US, these ads tend to be more subtle, "priming" a response, but these posters are clear and definitely not open to "misinterpretation."
