Friday, January 15, 2010

I Opened My Heart

Piano has been toughgoing for the most part; thankless taskmastering by Carolyn, occasional knockdown, dragouts with a stubborn 7 year old. But how do you teach deferred pleasure? Michael's Suzuki teacher - Mrs. Lloyd - is the local gatekeeper - no other "fun" stuff until you pass "Twinkles" - it requires CONSIDERABLE parental support.

Anyway, Michael had been stuck in an eternal cycle of trial basics...until last week! Doesn't sound like much, but it's all about perfection of form: wrist, back, & head posture.

Michael excitedly called me at the office, "I passed my twinkles!" Inquiring, he explained, "I opened my heart," referring to motivational wisdom Carolyn delivered; one of those "only you can do it" character incentives. He'll be reaching down there for years, I reckon.

The reward was:

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