Thursday, May 03, 2012

Michael MIA!

Michael's class went to Chateau d'Oex, an alpine recreational spot - international hot air balloon headquarters, btw - for the annual school camping trip for ONE WHOLE WEEK!

We met at the Lausanne station, as Veronique, the teacher (left) led everyone to the platform,
where parents said their good-byes; 9 yr olds, outfitted with a detailed list, got onboard.Michael with NY cap; Joaz in background left.

Morning class with activities - hiking, games - and stargazing in the evening; it'll be a solid week of French for M, who was excited to go, packing days ahead. He was pleased 2 others requested him to share their room, but it's very strange for us.  Jack keeps saying, "I just miss him." As do we.They are very close brothers, sorting out their friendship over the year, as J still cashed in on being small & cute, getting the lion's share of attention. M was older, yet not a peer to 19 yr olds, so had to learn another way; his fluent but limited vocab French hindering his school socialization. Appreciating these challenges, we were glad he was eager to go camping.
After a cold, wet spell, the sun returned and things are verdant green.

"Memory and desire, stirring 
Dull roots with spring rain."
TS Eliot

Jack and Marie
Jack loses another tooth, during our fish meal in Vevey after church.

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