Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jack Recital Suzuki Violin Book 1

Our little Jack achieved a milestone, performing a solo violin recital upon completion of Suzuki Book One. Although it's encouraging to note progress,

for us, Jack's journey began in a Sichuan orphanage, so our hearts are overflowing.
Jack's night, but also performed a duet with Michael, whose love of limelight can blind at times.
The program was varied with solo work, violin and piano duets. I personally really enjoy the Lausanne, non-Suzuki pieces accompanied by Jacob Machek - violin teacher's husband - who interpreted "China Jack Time" along Joplin lines, followed by "La Pelle Fromage."  

Musically, the children have surpassed their parents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

желание,однако это еще и не все... [url=]почему мужчина не звонит[/url]