Thursday, November 13, 2014

Michael 12

Last year of pre-teen?  Scary, but he's still kid-hearted, which we love.  As a special wish, Michael used his savings to host a Universal Studios trip - school day, no less - for 4 lucky friends + Jack.The boys love the physical comedy of Lucille Ball. BTW, vintage TV seems to be the way to go as a reprieve from the onslaught of kiddie humor and action hero entertainment these days. Chaplin, Marx Brothers, Three Stooges.  Or classics, such as Jacque Tati's Mon Uncle, which inspired Monty Python.

The tour was actually fascinating, though much more ramped up as a "ride," compared to decades ago when I went as a YMCA summer camp leader.
The Flintstone's cave-man mobile.
French philosopher, Baudrillard, noted that the border between Disneyland and the rest of Southern California was entirely arbitrary, as the line between fantasy and reality was blurred here.
No accident that the examples of postmodernism were, more often than not, from Los Angeles, a city whose major livelihood stems from making the real fake and vice versa.

The disaster scenario (plane crash) fabricated above reminded me anew of the power of image-based media, not only in reproducing catastrophes, but inspiring it. No accident that the 9/11 pilots' most treasured accomplishment was controlling the image of the planes crashing into the towers; Hollywood spilling, even tragically, into everyday life.

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