This is Michael at a SuperWalmart in Changchun, just a few days after he became part of our family. He always looked dazed, overstimulated when we were in a crowd - his world completely turned upside down compared to his little community of orphans in sleepy Siping. I'll never forget how he tossed and turned all night that first night with us in that hotel room. Anyway, I remember handing him a little receipt to occupy him in that cart; he never let go of it.
So, today, at the Manora, my mind went to that Chinese Walmart, as I noticed him - dazed this time by Shrek - holding onto the same lego pamphlet he had when we left the apartment 50 minutes earlier.
This is a great juxtaposition of images. How different and yet the same he is.
I STILL have a Lego catalog that came in a set my grandmother sent from Germany when I was small. I would linger over it at night, looking at each (unavailable in the US) set and fall into a trance. The fact that I never lost it or threw it away--heck, I just came across it a couple of days ago among my childhood stuff in the basement--should tell you something.
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