What is very obviously different with the Switzerland I knew 25 years ago is the presence of non-whites. I mean, our Thousand Oaks CA suburb is more white than this. I suspect that there is diversity within this community in terms of language, education, income level, etc, but there are clearly many refugees here. Burka-donned women abound, but I imagine that burka marks "tradition" differently in Euro-America than it does back in the native context; ie indicates separation from - not continuity with - traditional culture. As in Benedict Anderson's theory on nationalism - tartans and Scottish kilts were invented in the 19th century to symbolize something lost - I just have this feeling that something like this may be going on with burkas. In some cases, for especially younger women, they may be more a sign of resistance to the surrounding culture enaacted by modern individuals, rather than an example of ethnic dress by premodern natives.
ANYWAY, it will be interesting to see the mix of students in Michael's kindergarten. Michael and Jack played very well with the kids from these families in Montreux yesterday.
We went to a model car toy store on our last trip to Lausanne, but sometimes actual cars seem modeled on the toy.
Yesterday's big trip was a visit to Brady and Stephanie Smith and family, who have been living in the city for over 20 years. They are nearby Pepperdine's new campus and had us over for a great lunch, and Michael and Jack enjoyed their children and yard. I met the Smiths over a year ago back in Malibu, as they were visiting Stephanie's brother, Paul Begin, who is a colleague of mine.
Michael loved the upstairs patio in this freestanding oasis in the city. Heavy rainfall burst the plums open, but the trees were laden with apples and figs.
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