Michael began kindergarten at Mondriand Elementary, which meets 4 mornings a week and is located ½ mile below our hotel apt in the vicinity of Ouchy, the lakeside resort gateway to Lausanne. He is in a class of 14 – considered big – and on day one met Igor, a Russian boy who, similarly, knows no French, except “toilette.” Michael was teary-eyed the first hour, when parents were still in the classroom, but recovered with “just tell me when you’re leaving, OK?”

Mme Cuerel, his teacher, has an old school stature with intermittent warm fuzzies. Upon arrival, the children hold hands, then enter the building (a somewhat foreboding, similar architectural style for most schools) in pairs, until they file out 3 hours later, looking for parents.

That is Igor's mom, Mme Curiel, and Carolyn, of course, on the first day. I liked the Christmas tree drawing above and all the other ones lining the high ceiling.

The school is across one of the largest parks within city limits – a beautifully terraced space with hiking trails reaching a summit plateau with a panorama, and also includes the most imaginative play equipment we’ve ever seen.

School protocols have loosened-up, so everyone has non-standard daypack and clothing (classroom and gym slippers, gym clothes). Shoes are held together with a clothespin, placed in a row, and slippers donned for the day. They are required to bring a snack, which ranges from popular Farmer Bars (granola bars) to tiny boxes of individual Brie.

Other news: we’re finally leaving La Tour after a month, and moving to Lausanne tomorrow, so we’re closing in on the hotel. The much coveted residency permits are ready for pick-up; should be in Hotel La Croisee by Friday. Students arrive Sept 5 – classes begin on the 12th. The lull is ending.
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