Monday, September 03, 2007

Hotel La Croisee

We are in the hotel! Moving has been a subtheme of our lives, but happy to report that this 5th floor apartment is a winner. It's a 1/2 penthouse now, and will be more like 2/3 come December. Comfortable - the boys (and we) finally have rooms to breathe. The view is the most redeeming feature, so here are 4 pics - two from each balcony that virtually wraparound the apt.
It's definitely city central and it feels great to be in a dense, urban space where human traffic can overlap and build familiarity.
Hazy days but there are clear peaks in the distance.
Michael's school is a 15 min walk - downhill - and can be seen as the building with the steeple backgrounded by foliage on the far right. We are near the train station, which we can wax romantically about: the social conventions of old industrial modernity (movie houses, etc).
Now the interior. It's pretty roomy but I was really struck by this shower fixture which has multiple heads that shoot out - kind of a stand-up jacuzzi. This is paired by another nozzle on the opposite end of an all granite bathroom.
There was a flea market along the water in Vevey over the weekend, run by antique shops and would-bes (children selling their old toys). I got ripped-off by one dart gun, but good deals otherwise.

Michael has been consuming these popsicles that, once done, double as a pump squirt gun.
Returned to All Saints and ran into Susan Macaulay, who was visiting from Cambridge. It's an interesting collage of folks who have either returned or remained in this area, since I left - kinda like a collegetown of major proportions. I was also intrigued to learn how some Swiss drive to France to shop at French versions of WalMart, where the prices are much cheaper and the stores much bigger (there is an 800 gm limit of meat per person) - the idea that people go to France for an American-style shopping experience is really entertaining. The biggest supermarkets here are like grand convenience stores. We don't need an entire aisle of cereal, but a healthy medium would be nice? All Saints is still our happy medium, in terms of church. The chaplain, Clive, invited us over for lunch and their daughter Rebecca and Michael became fast friends. Jack fell into a pond.

Jack also landed on the wooden dining room floor off a box today and got another goose egg right where his stiches were. He ran into the coffee table last week. We promise to bring him back alive!

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