Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lazy Sunday: Scooters & Merguez

This Migros scooter won "toy of the year"; the traditional 2 rear wheels were moved in front, stabilizing the forward-leaning child, and allowing a leg to kick freely. Michael and Jack's progress took a leap forward, sliding down this mild slope near the fountains. The boys are hooked: Jack kept saying, "Scooter, daddy. Scooter," for days.

Ouchy has a mild Venice Beach feel to it; chaotic traffic of poseurs, exhibitionists, children, lovers, tourists, etc amid food vendors and a range of classy hotel patrons - all coming to the water for a good and anonymous time together. Comparison: the more restrained Vevey waterfront, where you conform to the slower pace of the aristocratic community.

This lady was attached to her doll, which she lovingly cradled everywhere.
Another lady decked out in brilliant red.
For a quick lunch, I had a merguez/frites/pepper sandwich that was incredible. Merguez are spicy African sausages made of lamb & beef and are really, really good - I will definitely be searching for these back home. They go great in Italian red sauces! I mean, GREAT.
Springtime has brought outdoor grilling possibilities shops are stocking up on traditional Swiss sausages, too. Larger ones come coiled like garden hoses for placing directly on the fire. Greasy but tasty; these are respectable foods here; free of all the familiar, back home suspicion of hooves, sawdust, etc.

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