Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Random post

Not sure anything dates you as much as colloquial phrases (or eyeglasses), but after living with 50+ young adults, I have adopted the word, "random." I assume this made its way onto the tongue via the play function on CD players and IPODS. Anyway, before catching an EasyJet flight this pm to visit Carolyn's relatives in Exeter England, I submit my first random post.
We hopped on a bus last Wednesday, and I took Michael and Jack into the St Francois cathedral while Carolyn went to the post office. An organist was practicing, and we just hung out for awhile.
The cathedral pews had this clever hinged-back system, allowing you to swing the back support 180 degrees to reverse your seating position.
These chocolate covered rice cakes have replaced the Farmer granola bar as the treat of choice among Michael's kindergardeners. They're quite good!
I took this B&W somehow off my cellphone. Kinda blurry, but I'm gonna try to hang on to my Swiss phone - they have all kinds of functions our US models don't. BTW, our children are typically the loudest ones in ANY setting.

We imagine this is due to the fact that most Swiss live in apartments with strict noise ordinances, but, in general, there aren't the "just go nuts" zones here, whether indoors or out. As a result, parents don't seem to "go nuts" either. Similarly, you NEVER hear a car go by blaring hip hop or anything else.


sarah said...

Found your blog through sandy and andrew's. Your boys are soo cute!!!

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