Sunday, September 20, 2009


Our weeks until sometime in November officially end on a soccer note. All Youth Soccer Organization, to be exact; Michael is now a Yellowjacket.
Games are held at PepperTree, a lovely park up against hills and valleys close to the ocean; cooler temps, even when our Westlake neighborhood nears 100.
A kind of victory passageway (both teams do it, however) ending every game.We love Coach Mike, who reinforces that the main goal is to have fun; the boys' positions are evenly rotated - everyone gets to play. Soccer moms and dads have a bad rep, so AYSO has a new rule that ousts parents who yell too much. It's really interesting how these benevolent games draw out your inner tyrant.

Jack's job was feeding Arielle.

Michael made goalie for the first game and loved the uniform

We are loving these games way more than imagined. Nice kids, parents, outdoors and NO Sunday games! I have to admit though, as nice as it is to just have fun, it is great to win and hard to lose.

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