Thursday, October 01, 2009


The Hollywood Hills were alive...
with the Sound of Music Sing-Along.

Capacity crowd of all ages - eager homeschoolers, drunk 20-30 somethings, seniors, and a distinct gay undercrurrent, as well (something about dressing-up) - the coming of age story of a singing misfit nun was a memory we all agreed upon, if for different reasons. Some took the story at face value, while others were engaged in parody - mild yelps & benign cat calls - not only of the film, but of their own childhoods, as well. Either way, it was hysterical entertainment, as the audience engaged the screen, booing, hissing, cheering, armed with flashlights, props, etc - a family version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Surrounded by individuals plugged into a camp moment, Michael experienced the evening as larger-than-life fantasy (TV video became live theater). I guess I was somewhere in-between.

The Bowl - along with Dodger Stadium and the Griffith Observatory - is an LA icon (all hilltop venues) and has a great tradition of a pre-show picnic. Acoustics are quite good; you could hear yourself sing out in the void. Joanne, who made the trip to Salzberg while in Switzerland, joined us and the Kwongs for a memorable evening.
Carolyn rigged these last minute lederhosen out of ribbon and buttons. Michael is fascinated by the popper.
The movie was preceded by a costume competition mc-ed by a brassy gal lending an in-your-face dimension to the film's overall British civility. Leisl returned for the night, and the adorable, lifesize Toast, Jam, & Teacup sibling trio- we detected a Welch's Grape Jelly theme - won handily.

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