Friday, April 10, 2009


Michael, Jack, & Carolyn have been spending Tuesday afternoons at a neighborhood park for soccer practice...
with Coach Rubin - a Walter Matthau-esque figure
who masterfully gets the kids motivated to do all kinds of exercises:
such as balancing on one leg. I was intrigued by the girl who insisted on playing in her purple dress and street shoes.

Michael - a natural jock - represents a great divide in our family. Often said that children look up to their parents, but I do admire Michael in many respects - sports being one of them.
It's a delightful way to kill 90 minutes; Carolyn's life is all about schedule and keeping up with appointments, but, sometimes, there's this beautiful lull and pleasure in experiencing the day. Switzerland had this nice rhythm worked into the day, as well as the year, when you figure mandatory vacation days. Makes me wonder if I should start attending the Tuesday faculty lunches - lousy fare, but subsidized - rediscovering that staple of work days of old called "the lunch break." (Btw, that fold-out chair w/ cupholder from Costco is a great back-in-the-van item).

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